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PostSubject: The Roleplay   The Roleplay I_icon_minitimeTue Feb 22, 2011 11:53 am

A dark figure moved throughout the hallways of its quaint little home. The walls were bright and felt like they were caving in, so the black-clad creature escaped to its room.

Heavy sighing did little to ease Daku's irritation. His face was blank, but ripples of emotion hid underneath his skin. A wave coursed through his mind and he grimaced. I just get to my room for some quiet time and he's calling us? Gimme a break.

Out into the hallway he went, ending up sitting down in the dining hall. It was more like a meeting room, he thought, but the others usually ate there and decided to name it otherwise.

Daku reclined in his chair and pulled at the blond fringe taking solace over his right eye, making a curtain to block his vision completely. His right eye wasn't allowed to see the time of day, or to go outside, or play video games. It was the isolated child with strict parents that didn't let it do anything fun. He frowned, but didn't know why, and heard the others making their way to his location.

I wonder what God wants, anyway?
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PostSubject: Re: The Roleplay   The Roleplay I_icon_minitimeTue Feb 22, 2011 12:04 pm

Winds bare feet made soft clinks on the cold marble flooring. She walked with perfect posture, head held high, chest out and shoulders back. Wings as white a snow were tucked tightly against her back, the long flight feathers nearly brushing the ground.

She paused before the enter the double doors of the dining room. She smoothed out the long and regal dress she was wearing. She fixed every wrinkle she was able to find.

She sat down in one of the many chairs around the large room. She crossed her right leg carefully over her left one. She sat straight with her hand folded neatly on her lap. She saw the Daku was also present, but none of the other were present yet.
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PostSubject: Re: The Roleplay   The Roleplay I_icon_minitimeTue Feb 22, 2011 12:17 pm

Ooc:// Eight of your ten sentences began with "she." XDD


The slouched vampire barely glanced at Wind before going back to staring in to space. He was almost lost in Imagination Land when he saw flowers on the table. In the midst of several pink carnations was a lush red rose. His breath hitched as he saw it, his fingers reaching out for its stem as if it would save him from death. His hand stopped, almost there, and he used his sleeve to grab the delicate flower. Pulling it back, he tried not to cradle it like the frail thing it really was.

There were no thorns decorating the rose's stem, which seemed best, because thorns gave a sense of strength. A single touch and it would wilt. With his free hand, the young adult caressed the soft petals, watching in silence and amusement as the entire rose trembled and black spread through it like a drop on ink on paper. His eyes softened and he hadn't realized that others were coming into the room.

Mizu entered quietly and noticed Daku's trance. I don't see why he thinks black roses are so beautiful... I think they're depressing. But maybe it's because he's a Dark Demon? She sat down at the far end of the table. The blue haired demon's posture made her look fragile and weak. A bundle of noise came through the doors and she flinched involuntarily, looking up and seeing the others pour in.

Two blondes were chattering about something. Kaze wasn't wearing his usual red hair band, but instead a bunny clip that Mizu assumed to be from Raito. Daku hadn't gathered himself into escaping the black flower's enticing grip on his soul, and the Water Demon thought he'd probably stare at the rose until God got there and snapped him out of it.
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PostSubject: Re: The Roleplay   The Roleplay I_icon_minitimeTue Feb 22, 2011 12:32 pm

Wind glared at Daku but said nothing. It seemed out that he was sent on killing every rose he came in contact with. He would stare the flower he destroyed for hours on end, the world could blow up and he would continue to look at the rose.

Others began to fill the room, chatting amongst themselves. The seats around the room were beginning to fill up. Soon as 16 of them were filled up. The only open one was a large, throne like chair at the head of the room.

Ice walked into the dining room and looked around. It appeared that everyone was here, excluding God. The seat she usually sat in was next to Winds. Walking slowly, she reached her seat and sat down gracefully. I Wonder what this meeting is about, she thought to herself as she waited to God to come.

He came in a few minutes later. He walked slowly, and looked frail and tired. His eyes seemed to be glazed over, as if her contracted and illness.
"Greetings," the deity said, his voice tired, "I news of the utmost important to discus today."

Bic:// Dx I am not a literate or creative person. But I did not start a sentence with "she this time. bounce
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PostSubject: Re: The Roleplay   The Roleplay I_icon_minitimeTue Feb 22, 2011 12:39 pm

Kaze's usual happy-go-lucky attitude crumbled once he heard the serious and aged voice of God. He frowned in worry, head tilted slightly in confusion. Raito looked at the bearded man and a chord of pain was struck in her chest. She felt herself growing cold. Something was horribly wrong.

The rose could have provided hours more of mentally spouted poetry, but the dark brunette knew better. He placed the darkened flower on his lap and turned his head to the deity. He's so rugged... What happened to his graceful qualities? He leaves for two days and this is what returns?

The room was quiet with anticipation.

Ooc:// Sure you aren't~ And WOO! Go Lark! 8D
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PostSubject: Re: The Roleplay   The Roleplay I_icon_minitimeTue Feb 22, 2011 12:47 pm

"I am growing weak." God said, looking at his trusted ones sadly. "My powers thrive on belief, but that seems to have diminished from this world. I fear soon I shall be destroyed."

Ice felt dread growing in her as he continued.
"If I am gone, the world shall loose balance. Nothing with be the same and the world will most likely fall apart piece by piece until it is no more." He took a deep breathe, as if saying the words aloud suddenly made it real.
"If we can not restore the faith of the world soon, then all is lost. The only solution I can come to is to send some of you down to earth, to fix this."

Ooc;// XD I is aweseom1!111
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PostSubject: Re: The Roleplay   The Roleplay I_icon_minitimeTue Feb 22, 2011 12:52 pm

"But how could we replenish the faith?" Koori interjected. He didn't want God to suffer, and surely didn't think it was good to sit back and do nothing, but how could any of them possibly get back what they'd lost in such short time and notice? "Humans aren't easy to change, after all."

Daku looked at the mass of violet accumulating on the Ice Demon's head. Half of it was naturally curly, but the rest was straight. The vampire always thought it was odd, but never questioned it.

Ooc:// XD Yes, you are. <3 And sorry if I don't reply right away, I've been trying to finish my character stuff. And Mizu's information is going to be VERRRY~ interesting to you. ;D
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PostSubject: Re: The Roleplay   The Roleplay I_icon_minitimeTue Feb 22, 2011 1:45 pm

"I don't know." God sighed, shaking his head. "I hope that you will all be able to figure something out though. The ones I choose will be leaving tonight and given a temporary physical form to be on earth with."

"Chikyuu, Koori, Daku, Kaminari, Water, Wind, Light and Ice." He said, looking at them each in turn.

Wind did not like how this sounded in the first place, she doubted it even more when her name was listed. She bit back a retort, trying to keep her composer.

Ooc:// Hey I might not reply right away, Im trying to get some stuffs done, so I will reply and txt u when ever i do.

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PostSubject: Re: The Roleplay   The Roleplay I_icon_minitimeTue Feb 22, 2011 1:53 pm


Daku cringed at the sound of his name. He'd have to go down to Earth? Blasphemous! He stared silently at the rose on his lap and realized that, even in death, there was sadness. Pain was everywhere. It was covering the grass in your yard, oozing through your blood stream, creeping up your walls at night and watching you in the darkness. Pain didn't sleep.

Chikyuu wasn't unhappy with God's decision, but had little confidence in his ability to gain back the Deity's power. How could I possibly help? I'm not smart at all... He sighed conspicuously an hung his head.

There was a wisp of air escaping a certain blonde, who was glad she wasn't going to Earth. She had gotten past the fact that going back to where she'd died was torturous. Her real concern was leaving God in Heaven with no other Light Demons to help him. Since Light was going, she'd be the only one. Dark would be there, but didn't have power over giving life like the two blondes did. Relief washed over her like the spray of calming, hot water during a shower.

"When will we be leaving?" Kaminari finally asked. His green eyes pierced into God's blue ones.

Ooc:// Alright, that's fine.
And yes, God has blue eyes. D8<
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PostSubject: Re: The Roleplay   The Roleplay I_icon_minitimeThu Feb 24, 2011 7:10 pm

God looked deeply into the earth demons eye for a moment and turned to address the group.
"You will leave tonight. You will be arriving in the city of New York.'
He tried to keep his gaze confident but behind his deep blue eyes was a cloud of doubt. He was sending his strongest most power away. He was weak and vulnerable, now with less protection.
"Go get ready, be back here in one hour." He said, dismissing them all.

Wind walked down the hall toward her room. She was upset at going, mostly because she thought it was a useless idea.
She knew it was fall on earth and the temperature would be somewhat cold. She choose a long, think jacket from her closet, long enough to cover the tips of her wings. Under it she wore a black silk dress, she was not a believer in pants.

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PostSubject: Re: The Roleplay   The Roleplay I_icon_minitimeThu Feb 24, 2011 7:29 pm

Daku huffed and went silently to his room. His body felt heavy and sluggish, not very good for going down to earth. Who knew what would happen there? The demonic vampire wasn't too happy about going back to the place he'd long forgotten, but gathered some hoodies and a random assortment of black clothing. He tossed a necklace or two on top of the folded garments and zipped the luggage shut.

A chill shivered down the curve of his spine and he held back a curse as words caressed his ear, tickling it with heated breath that was deadly familiar.

"Don't feel down," came a seductive whisper, subtle sarcasm barely noticeable in its tone. "I'll be there to keep you sane."

Daku turned around sharply and looked into Koori's ice blue eyes. Their noses were barely touching.

"Didn't anyone ever teach you about personal space?"

Koori smirked and said casually, "No, I don't think so." He looked deeply into Daku's eyes, making the younger demon feel invaded, manipulated... The violet-haired beauty backed away slowly and turned for the door. Over his shoulder, he joked, "I'm going to miss you so much until we have to leave..."

Gently shaking hands tensed into fists and the dark brunette glared sharply as his harasser's footsteps receded down the hallway and dissolved like sugar in water.

Time never moved so slowly before.
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PostSubject: Re: The Roleplay   The Roleplay I_icon_minitimeThu Feb 24, 2011 7:40 pm

Wind waited impatiently for the hour to end. She need down to the dining hall a few minutes early, being the first one to arrive. She guessed most were say goodbye to friends, she felt a pang and quickly brushed it away. She had no need for friends or lovers or anyone.

Water was pretty exited to be going back down to earth. He had said goodbye to the friends he was leaving behind and was heading down to the hall. He had a small bag of cloths on a draw string bag over his shoulders.
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PostSubject: Re: The Roleplay   The Roleplay I_icon_minitimeThu Feb 24, 2011 7:52 pm

Daku scoffed at the thought of having anyone to say farewell to. As he went to the dining hall two minutes early, he wondered if Koori had friends to say goodbye to. The dark brunette realized that he was thinking about the long haired demon and tossed his thoughts away in a cold-hearted manner. Flicking his head to distort his vision with an obviously dyed-blond fringe, he opened a massive door and walked slowly into the room. He saw only Wind and wondered if everyone here didn't care about timeliness or if they were too heartbroken to be there yet. But he knew it wouldn't be long until him and the seven others were sent down to Earth on a grand mission of adventure, self-exploration, and betrayal. He felt it deeply, to every fiber of his body.
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PostSubject: Re: The Roleplay   The Roleplay I_icon_minitimeFri Feb 25, 2011 1:38 pm

Wind waited calmly after everyone arrived. God was the last to come into the room, he held his head high, but she could see his doubt. He stood up instead of sitting in his regal chair.
"The time has come," He started, "And I wish you luck.
He beckoned for the chosen ones to step forward.
"I do not know how you will do this but I hope you can."

Wind stood in front of the deity and flinched when he brought his hands down.
A sharp pain filled her and the sensation of falling. It lasted only a few moments before she looked up. They were in a mold musty room. On earth.
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PostSubject: Re: The Roleplay   The Roleplay I_icon_minitimeFri Feb 25, 2011 7:29 pm

An odd sensation stung in Daku's heart as they fell towards Earth. A throb formed in the front of his brain and oozed into his temples. Around him, the others were groggily getting to their feet. For a split second, he regretted not bringing a rose with him. Standing in front of the vampire was Koori, holding out a hand. Daku reluctantly clasped their hands together and pulled himself up.

Where is this? he asked himself, letting go of Koori's hand quickly and discreetly rubbing his hand against the leg of his pants.

Daku wondered that himself, but it was probably in the minds of everyone in the foul smelling room. There was dust everywhere and cobwebs were clinging to and hanging from most of the ceiling.

Koori should have been astounded by their surroundings, but all he could concentrate on was the dark brunette that constantly rejected and ignored his touch. He actually held my hand played repetitively in his mind.
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PostSubject: Re: The Roleplay   The Roleplay I_icon_minitimeSat Feb 26, 2011 8:08 am

Under the cobwebs and dust that covered the room, large benches stretched across the floor, with a aisle in between.
Wind turned her head and there was a large podium and what looked to be a piano. We are in a church, she thought suddenly. This place had n sigh of life, disused for probably years.

Ice look in disgust the dirt covered floor. Foot prints impeded into the grime caught her attention. Fallowing them with her eyes she saw they led up in front of the podium. A medium sized area was swiped free of dust, right where praying took place. "Some one has been here recently." She said aloud.
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PostSubject: Re: The Roleplay   The Roleplay I_icon_minitimeSat Feb 26, 2011 11:23 am

"Question is, who?" Koori said quietly. He wondered if it was possibly a priest that was disappointed in the lack of religion and church-goers.

Daku furrowed his brows slightly at the abandoned church. He was never religious as a human, but he questioned how people could stop doing something they did for their whole life. How could they just drop their faith so quickly?

Ooc:// Why do I feel like whoever has been there is going to pop up and be like, "OMFG HAI GAIZ."
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